Judicial Affairs
The Office of Judicial Affairs in conjunction with the Dean of Students promotes standards of behavior that support Atlantic Cape's mission and goals. The Office of Judicial Affairs administers a disciplinary process that maintains the integrity of the academic community and protects the rights of students.
For more information, contact Nancy A. Porfido, Judicial Officer, at (609) 343-5095 or email Porfido@atlanticcape.edu.
Philosophical Statement
Atlantic Cape Community College has both a right and obligation to set reasonable standards of conduct for students who are members of the college community. Standards of student conduct ensure respect for all members of the college community. With this in mind, the College's judicial program is based on the following premises:
- The purpose of campus sanction is the protection of the college community and its values.
- Any judicial process will take into account the belief that each student is capable of moral development and as such, while the student may have erred, the student may not continue to do so in the future.
- Address student behavioral problems in an effective and educational manner.
- The institution must afford procedural due process under the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
- Atlantic Cape community College's procedures are based on the elements of clear standards, type of conduct regulated, notice, opportunity to be heard, confrontation and cross examination and legal representation.
Policies and Procedures
Other college Policies can be found in our Student Handbook or on the Student Engagement page.
Disciplinary Process for Violation of Acceptable Standards of Conduct
In all cases of disciplinary action where students are subject to institutional disciplinary penalties, the College will take every step to ensure that due process is maintained and respected.
In the case of flagrant violations of conduct, the College reserves the right to immediately suspend a student pending a hearing.
If a student demonstrates inappropriate behavior and disregards the College's Code of Conduct, these steps will be followed:
- The student will meet with the appropriate Campus Judicial Officer (CJO) to resolve the issue or to receive notice of disciplinary action.
- The student will receive written notification on the outcome of the meeting held with the CJO. If disciplinary action was taken, the student will be made aware of his/her right to appeal.
- The student may appeal the disciplinary action by informing the CJO of his/her intent in writing within seven (7) days.
- The student will receive, in writing, the date, time and place of the formal hearing within 14 days after the student's formal request. This letter will also contain:
- a detailed statement of each charge.
- notification of the student's right to have an attorney and a Response Form regarding the student's intention to waive or not waive this prerogative (student must sign and return this form).
- a complete list of College witnesses.
- notification to the student of the right to make a case on his/her own behalf with witnesses, subject to College cross-examination.
- Atlantic Cape will request the signature of the student acknowledging receipt of the written charges and hearing notification.
- The Student Standards and Conduct Committee will be convened to hear the student's appeal. The committee will make its recommendation to the Dean of Students who will then render a binding decision. The student will be notified of the disposition of the appeal within seven (7) days.
The Student Standards and Conduct Committee members include:
- College Judicial Officer
- Chairperson
- Faculty Representative
- Student Representative
- College staff member
- Counselor
In cases of noncompliance with the Student General Rules or a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, the College will impose discipline that is consistent with the impact of the offense on the College community. Disciplinary action taken against a student may include, but is not limited to, one or more of the following:
- Verbal Warning - Student is given a verbal warning and a notation is made in the student's disciplinary file.
- Written Warning - A notice in writing to the student that the student is violating or has violated institutional regulations.
- Mediation - An attempt to resolve the conflict with individuals involved and their Student Advocates.
- Probation - A written reprimand for violation of specified regulations. Probation is for a designated period of time and includes the probability of more severe disciplinary sanctions if the student is found to violate any institutional regulation(s) during the probationary period.
- Loss of Privileges - Denial of specified privileges for a designated period of time.
- Restitution - Compensation for loss, damage, or injury. This may take the form of appropriate service and/or monetary or material replacement.
- Discretionary Sanctions - Work assignments, essays, service to the College, or other related discretionary assignments.
- College Suspension - Separation of the student from the College for a definite period of time, after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may be specified.
- College Dismissal - separation of the student from the College indefinitely.
- College Expulsion - separation of the student from the College permanently.
Yes. Students are referred to the Judicial Affairs Office for classroom disruptions and disruptive behavior.
An informal meeting is a meeting that presents the charges to the student, asks for an explanation of the incident, indicates the action to be taken and Informs the student of the right to appeal (if applicable).
A Student Advocate is a Counselor assigned to you when you are accused of violating college policy. The role of the Student Advocate is to facilitate the resolution of conflict between parties and attempt to mediate the situation.
Once suspended you're not permitted on campus or to have any contact with faculty or administrators. You are assigned a Student Advocate who will assist you through the process. Your Student Advocate will work on your behalf to facilitate your appeals hearing and any other information you may need.
A formal appeal hearing is the opportunity for students with judicial charges such as suspension to respond to the written allegations against them and to present evidence in support of their case. The hearing will be heard by The Student Code of Conduct Standards Committee.
Again, this is a bad idea. Trying to avoid responsibility for one's behavior usually results in more severe sanctions, and may establish a pattern of dishonesty and evasion that will create bigger problems in the future.
Many factors impact how sanctions are determined for individual students, including their level of involvement in an incident and their previous judicial history.