Policy No. 917
Campus Safety and Security
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved: 5/26/09
Reaffirmed: 10/29/24
The security function of Atlantic Cape Community College is assigned to the Security Department. It is their responsibility to provide a safe environment for all members of the college community thereby protecting and keeping secure life and property. To achieve this, the departmental services shall be organized and implemented in such a way that the following are insured:
- the protection of constitutional rights
- the enforcement of institutional policies and procedures
- the enforcement of local and state laws
- the creation and maintenance of a feeling of security and well being
- the identification and elimination of hazards and/or opportunities for crime
- the establishment of effective crime prevention programs in which the institutional community is educated
- the testing and inspection of protective controls and devices to deter and detect crime, fire and life safety hazards
- the establishment and maintenance of procedures to deter the occurrence of traffic accidents and vehicular congestion
- Parking regulations enforcement
- surveillance operations
- lost and found services
In addition, it is desirable to provide basic first aid, CPR / AED and EMS support capabilities and the means to investigate crimes and accidents. Other services that may be provided upon request, when possible, are:
- protective escort
- key control
In conjunction with all services provided by the Security Department, members have a public relations role in rendering precise information and assistance in a courteous manner to students, visitors, faculty and staff.
The procedures in support of this policy can be found in the "Campus Safety Guide."
Also, see:
Procedure No. 917.1 Medical and Other Emergencies
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