Policy No. 862
Description: Possession of Firearms
Adopted: 02/01/00
Revisions Approved: 02/27/01, 01/26/16
The possession of firearms by employees, students, vendors, contractors and members of the public on College property, College sponsored housing or at any College activity is prohibited.
This policy excludes law enforcement personnel, bank couriers on official business with the
College, armed security officers, other persons so authorized by the College President and
students who are active duty law enforcement personnel.
In accordance with New Jersey Statute 2C:39-5, (1) Any person who knowingly has in his
possession any firearm in or upon any part of the buildings or grounds of any school, college,
university or other educational institution, without the written authorization of the governing
officer of the institution, is guilty of a crime in the third degree, irrespective of whether he
possesses a valid permit to carry the firearm or a valid firearms purchaser identification card.
Such prohibition extends to the possession of components that can be assembled into a firearm and imitation firearms.
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