Procedure No. 30.2
Procedures for Acquisition, Use and Disposal of Perkins Equipment
Adopted: 12/18/14
Revisions Approved: 11/15/2021
Area: Board of Trustees
Governance: President’s Cabinet
Responsible Executive Authority: Vice President, Academic Affairs
For the purpose of administering Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins) grant funds, Atlantic Cape adheres to the criteria as outlined in NJ Department of Education's (NJDOE) annual one-year grant application guidelines:
“An equipment item is any instrument, machine, furniture, apparatus, or set of articles which meets all of the following criteria*:
- It retains its original shape, appearance and character with use;
- It does not lose its identity through fabrication or incorporation into a different or more complex unit or substance;
- It is nonexpendable; that is if the item is damaged or some of its parts are lost or worn out, it is more feasible to repair the item than to replace it with an entirely new unit;
- Under normal conditions of use, including reasonable care and maintenance, it can be expected to serve its principal purpose for at least one year; and
- The item costs more than $2,000 including delivery and installation.
*An item should be classified as a supply if it does not meet all the equipment criteria listed above."
Once an item meeting the above definition of equipment is confirmed to be included on Atlantic Cape's approved Perkins application or amendment, Atlantic Cape follows the steps outlined in the College's "Purchasing Manual".
All equipment is delivered by the vendor to the College's central Receiving Department. It is the responsibility of the Receiving Department to check-in, validate, tag, deliver and record all equipment purchased with Perkins funds.
When a Perkins item is received in the Receiving Department the following procedures are done:
- Obtain the packing slip from the package and stamp the slip with the receiving stamp to reflect the date the item was received.
- Stamp the purchase order with the receiving stamp and check the item received against the purchase order to ensure the correct item has been received.
- Affix a property asset tag to the item and record the make, model and serial number of the item into the College inventory database. The final location of the item is recorded based on the information on the purchase order. When there is a bulk purchase of computers/electronics, the recorded location of the delivery is the IT Department. Once the items are placed in their respective locations by the IT Department, the locations are then updated to reflect the final location.
- Complete and affix a delivery label to the package to indicate the vendor name, date received, PO number, number of boxes, and name of recipient and delivery location (obtained from purchase order).
- When the item is ready for delivery, a delivery log is prepared and printed to include the vendor name, tracking number of the package, PO number, recipient name and number of packages.
- When an item is delivered, the delivery log is then signed by the recipient.
- Atlantic Cape uses Perkins grant funds to lease, purchase, and upgrade and/or adapt equipment, including instructional training aids and publications (including support for library resources) designed to strengthen and support academic and technical skill achievement.
- Atlantic Cape uses Perkins-funded equipment for Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs at the college. Specifically, equipment is used to improve the academic and technical skills of students participating in CTE programs. Equipment purchased with Perkins grant funds is used to provide appropriate CTE programs, services and activities, which is consistent with NJDOE guidelines. Equipment may be used for other instructional purposes only if such use does not interfere with the primary instructional use of the equipment for which it was purchased.
- Atlantic Cape makes every effort to plan early each fiscal year for the purchase of Perkins grant-funded equipment, especially when such purchases involve a bidding process. The Office of Academic Affairs works closely with the Grants Office and Finance departments to ensure that Perkins-funded equipment is received, installed and available for student instruction before or by the deadline, which is consistent with NJDOE guidelines.
- Atlantic Cape does not use Perkins grant-funded instructional equipment for administrative purposes.
- Atlantic Cape labels all Perkins grant-funded equipment as required. Specifically, each piece of equipment purchased with Perkins grant funds must have a visible, permanently attached, numbered inventory tag (computers, printers and monitors need separate inventory tags even if purchased as a unit). Any unit purchased which consists of multiple pieces must be tagged with sequential numbers. Perkins funded equipment must be labeled as "Perkins" funded equipment.
- Atlantic Cape maintains effective control and accountability for all Perkins grant-funded equipment by tracking items of any amount, which are less expensive to track than to replace. All inventoried items must include tag number, cost, location, date of purchase, item description and identification of grant that funded the purchase.
- Atlantic Cape makes available a comprehensive listing of all inventoried items purchased with Perkins grant funds for NJDOE review. The equipment item, with its inventory tag number, appears on the Equipment Inventory Page. This page is submitted annually, along with the Final Report, to NJDOE.
- Atlantic Cape acknowledges that equipment purchased with Federal and/or State Perkins grant funds remains the property of the NJDOE/OCTE.
When an item is taken out of service the following procedure is followed:
- Receiving prints out a capital inventory detail sheet for the asset number assigned to the item.
- Receiving forwards the capital inventory sheet to the Purchasing Department so that a property disposal form can be generated.
- Purchasing sends the list to the responsible Dean for disposal approval if the items are not equipment. The list is returned to Purchasing. For equipment, the list is sent to the Grants accountant.
- Grants accountant submits a request to dispose of equipment to the director of OCTE in writing.
- Upon receiving OCTE approval to dispose the item, Grants accountant notifies Purchasing, and Dean's approval for disposal is obtained.
- Purchasing sends the signed approved disposal form to Receiving.
- Receiving records the disposal in the College inventory database and disposes the item.
- Finance records the equipment disposal in the General Ledger.
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