Procedure No. 23.1
Procedure: Board Officer Succession
Each October, the Board chairperson shall appoint five trustees to serve as an officer nominating committee.
The committee is charged with receiving names and ultimately recommending a slate of Board officers for election at the November re-organization meeting.
The committee shall consider each nominee and determine his/her availability and
willingness to make the commitment necessary to serve effectively as a Trustee officer before making its recommendation.
In accordance with past practice, if sitting officers have successfully completed two one-year terms including having demonstrated strong attendance, performance and willingness to commit the time and energy necessary, the current Board vice chairperson may be elected chairperson while the incumbent treasurer may be elected vice chairperson.
The nominating committee also brings forth a recommendation for a new treasurer to be voted upon at the November re-organization meeting.
Upon announcement of the committee's recommendations for office, the Board chairperson shall seek additional nominations from the floor from any Board member. All nominees shall then be voted upon by the full Board.
A simple majority of the members present shall elect the new slate of Board officers.
As in all established Board committees, bi-county representation shall receive strong consideration in the rotation of nominated and elected officers.
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