Procedure No. 12.1
Naming of Facilities
Adopted: 04/23/2096
Revised: 11/25/2008, 7/14/2009, 8/16/2016; 9/28/2021
The Budget, Finance and Audit Committee will appoint an Ad Hoc Naming Subcommittee to include at least four (4) trustees of which two (2) are current liaisons to the Atlantic Cape Community College Foundation and two (2) are members of the Budget, Finance and Audit Committee to review all naming applications. This Ad Hoc Naming Subcommittee will include the President and Chief Advancement Officer as ex-officio members.
The Ad Hoc Naming Committee will:
- Define the types of acceptable gifts
- Approve naming requests
- Approve giving levels
- Develop and adhere to procedures for implementing their work
- Recommend Board designated uses for unrestricted donations Approve donor recognition format
- Decide when to use legal counsel
- Make recommendations to the Budget, Finance and Audit Committee for all naming commitments
The Chief Advancement Officer is responsible for:
- Recording (in donor database), receipting, and acknowledging gifts (See Policy No. 300 & Procedure No. 300.1)
- Writing binding Naming Agreements that must be signed by the President and the donor
- Processing the donor recognition vehicle
- Maintaining and updating a complete record of named facilities
The Communication and College Relations Office is responsible for:
- Coordinating the publicity of donor's gift
New construction funded with public money shall be named only in exchange for gifts commitments of at least 50% of the building's cost of construction.
Older existing buildings, (more than 10 years old), funded with public money shall be named only in exchange for gift commitments of at least 20% of the building's replacement costs (Total costs include: architectural, planning and construction; fees; site clearance.)
Newer existing buildings, (less than 10 years old), funded with public money should be named only in exchange for gift commitments of at least 25% of the buildings replacement costs.
Unscheduled or unplanned facilities that a donor wishes to have constructed will require a 100% gift commitment, plus an endowed maintenance.
The minimum gift for a facility "naming commitment" should be $5,000 for specific physical spaces within a facility, such as classrooms, meeting spaces, laboratories, etc. (Naming opportunities for portions of spaces may be available for lower minimum commitments.)
Minimum gift levels for equipment, such as chairs, desks, and other materials used in a facility shall be routinely reviewed by the Ad Hoc Naming Subcommittee and recommendations made to the Budget, Finance and Audit Committee.
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