Instructional Resources
Idea Page
This "Idea Page" will hopefully encourage you to explore ways you can use technology in your classrooms and online. These are links to articles, journals, and Web pages from schools around the globe who have success stories to tell about technology in the classroom. If you come across a link or reference you would like added to this list, please contact Michelle Perkins at ext. 5038.
Technology-Related Journals and Articles:
Link to our Library for access to full-text databases of thousands of journals and newspapers.
- The Chronicle of Higher Education
- T.H.E. Online This is the Web version of the T.H.E.. Journal (Technological Horizons in Education).
Distance Education and E-Learning Resources:
- The Atlantic Cape Best Practices Guidelines for Teaching Online (PDF)
- Flowchart of a typical week in an Online Course (PDF)
The link below points to a resource for those involved in e-learning efforts in both academic and corporate environments:
Copyright Resources:
According to the Copyright Act of 1976, copyright owners have the exclusive right to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute, transfer ownership, rent, lend, perform or display their creations. However, fair use places a limit on these exclusive rights to promote free speech, learning, scholarly research and open discussion in accordance with the First Amendment. Read more about the Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines for Teachers by clicking on the below links.
The Ultimate Guide to Copyright, Fair Use, and Creative Commons for Educators
The Educator's Guide to Copyright and Fair Use