In-Person Events
Walk-About Advising Keep an eye out for Student Service Navigators walking around campus. You can ask us questions or schedule a one-on-one meeting on the spot!
Mays Landing Campus Walk-Abouts-TBD
Join us for some fun & informative How to College events
Brain Food Study Sessions (MLC)
Join your Advising team! Get ready to ACE your next test or quiz! Plan to meet with Tutoring and Student Success staff who can help you design an effective study session, learn about different learning styles, and how to care for yourself so you can be the best student you can be. Learn to use your Study Style effectively and grab some brain-friendly snacks to fuel your study session.
9/24/24 11a-1p MLC Library D-Building & 4:30p-6:30p STEM lobby
9/25/24 11a-1p MLC Library D-Building & 4:30p-6:30p STEM lobby
12/3/24 11a-1p MLC Library D-Building & 4:30p-6:30p STEM lobby
12/4/24 11a-1p MLC Library D-Building & 4:30p-6:30p STEM lobby
Eat the Frog Time Management workshop (MLC)
Do you struggle with managing your time? Did you know time management is a crucial skills needed for college and for life! Join us to learn how to schedule your time so you can be productive and successful. We'll help you identify time wasters and create a plan to ensure you can address all your tasks and projects to be more productive and less stressed!
9/26/24 12:30p-2p Room B-209
9/30/24 12:30p-2p Room B-209
Group Advising sessions-TBD
Bring your device (tablet, laptop or phone) and join the Center for Student Success to learn how to use your Self Service to plan your degree and your next semester classes. Learn about course sequences (in what order classes must be taken), how to select electives, what courses are offered in specific semesters, and other things to consider when planning. Get information on faculty advising and tutoring to help you succeed and sail through to degree completion.
Advising, program review, planning & registration are available in-person or virtually year-round. Don't wait to get the classes and instructors you want! Schedule your appointment now or join us in-person on any Atlantic Cape Campus. No appointment needed. Photo ID required.
Registered, but have questions about navigating Blackboard? Stop in to meet with a Student Service Navigator to get a one-on-one session on how to navigate Blackboard, how to download or upload items and how to post to discussion boards! Sign in at the One-Stop Welcome Center (J-building lobby in Mays Landing campus or any Atlantic Cape campus) and note reason for visit is to meet with Navigator for Blackboard help.
Contact for all: Wendy Gray