Placement Test
View our Multiple Measures Direct Placement Guidelines for more information
There are many resources you can access to "brush up" on English and Math skills prior to taking the placement test:
- ACCUPLACER Practice Tests
- Khan Academy
- The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)
- Purple Math
- Search " Next-Generation Accuplacer practice" on Google
Next-Generation ACCUPLACER consists of an essay, a test of reading, a test of Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics, and a test of arithmetic. An Advanced Algebra and Functions test may also be given. It is a test that students may take once they are admitted to the college. Placement test scores are valid for four years. Students may retest once after a thirty day time period has lapsed. There is a $15 retesting fee.
Before you register for a math, English or other course requiring a demonstrated level of ability, you must take the Next-Generation ACCUPLACER test. Students whose test scores indicate a need for improved basic skills in English and mathematics will be placed in the appropriate developmental course. Generally, they follow a sequence of developmental courses leading up to college-level work in that area.
If you meet the following criteria, you are exempt from having to take the Placement Test.
- Students who have taken the SAT test within the last 4 years and received a minimum score of 450 in Evidenced-Based Reading/Writing and a score of 530 in mathematics.
- Students who have taken the ACT test within the last four years and received a mathematics score of 22 and English score of 18 with a Reading score of 22.
- Students who already have a degree (A.A., B.S., etc.) may be exempt from testing
- Students who took the required sections of the test (Next-Generation ACCUPLACER) at another NJ college within the last four years. An official copy of the test results needs to be submitted to Atlantic Cape.
- Transfer students who have completed a college-level mathematics course within the last 10 years and/or an English course at another college.