CTE, Career Exploration, and Enrichment

CTE, Career Exploration, and Enrichment

Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides students of all ages with the academic and technical skills, knowledge, and training necessary to succeed in future careers and to become lifelong learners. Atlantic Cape Community College offers a variety of CTE programs for incoming students which results in credits or certification, but the first step on this path for a student is career exploration through CTE enrichment programs.

CTE enrichment programs introduce students to career exploration starting in the middle grades, creating pathways for students to pursue higher education and/or enter the workforce. Our Early College team collaborates with our K-12 partners to offer programming that complements or enhances curriculum. Programs range from Atlantic Cape faculty visiting students in the classroom to completely immersing students in a particular field at an Atlantic Cape campus. The result is enrichment programs that act as opportunities for students to explore a career field and discover a passion before investing in a degree or certifications.

Early College Program Events

Media Day

Media Day

Environmental Science Day

Environmental Science Day

Cyber Day

Cyber Day

Aviation Day

Aviation Day

Check out more Early College CTE Program News!

Cyber Day 2023

Cyber Day 2023

Aviation Day 2023

Aviation Day 2023

Media Day 2022

Media Day 2022

Drones for High School Teachers

Drones for High School Teachers


For more information, contact:

Kelsie Steup
Middle and High School CTE Program Liaison
Email: ksteup@atlantic.edu