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August 2020 Board of Trustees Meeting

08/28/2020 | Media Contact: Erin Mercer | (609) 343-4923
August 2020 Board of Trustees Meeting

The Atlantic Cape Community College Board of Trustees conducted their monthly meeting Tuesday, August 25, via Zoom conference call. The following motions were approved:

Contracts and Purchases

  • Bid Ex. 870 MacBook Laptops for Faculty and Staff, CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund – Institutional Portion(Grant Funded), Apple Store for Educational Institution, E-Commerce, $76,860.00
  • Bid Ex. 871 Security & Safety Services, Operational Funds, Johnson Controls, Horsham, PA, $52,094.00
  • Bid Ex. 872 ATI Learning Resources for Nursing Program, Perkins (Grant Funded), ATI

Nursing Education, Lakewood, Kansas, $100,500.00

  • Bid Ex. 873 Laptops for Remote Staff, CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund – Institutional Portion (Grant Funded), Ocean Computer Group, Matawan, NJ, $46,127.00
  • Bid Ex. 876 Fixed Wing Aircraft Lease, Academics Departmental Funds, Christiansen Aviation, Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma, $26,880.00 (minimum)
  • RFP 232 Media Buying, Marketing, Operational Funds, JL Media, Union, NJ, $250,000.00 (not to exceed)
  • Bid Ex. 877 Virtual Laboratory Software, Operational Funds, Labster Inc., New York, NY, $19,200.00
  • Bid Ex. 867 Upgraded laptops for Faculty, Governor’s Education Emergency Relief (GEER) Fund (Grant Funded), Ocean Computer Group, Matawan, NJ, $154.431.74. Change of funding source purchase approved by the Board of Trustees in June 2020
  • Authorization of a contract with Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin
  • Authorization of a contract with Herlihy Helicopters Inc., DBA Helicopter Flight Services


Grants Activity

  • Submission of an application to the National Science Foundation, Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Program, for a competitive grant to develop the education of technicians for the high-technology fields that drive our nation’s economy, requesting $600,000 over the grant term of three years (July 1, 2021 – June 20, 2024)
  • Submission of an application to the State of New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development (NJDLWD) for the COVID-19 Dislocated Worker Grant Program to address the training needs of individuals suffering job loss or substantially reduced hours due to the COVID-19 pandemic, requesting a cost-reimbursement grant, with total amount TBD based on number of participants to be served and dollar cost average per participant over a grant term of 12 months (September 1, 2020 – August 31, 2021)
  • Submission of an application to and accept an allocation of $856,855 from the Office of the Secretary of Higher Education (OSHE) for the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF)
  • Accept funding from the U.S. Department of Education for the Student Support Services (SSS) Program with a grant of $348,002 per year over five years, totaling $1,740,010 over the anticipated term of September 1, 2020 – August 31, 2025

Personnel Matters

  • Appointment of Elizabeth Franchetti, Senior Clerk, Accounts Payable, effective August 26, 2020
  • Appointment of Kasey Dunlap, temporary Specialist, Financial Aid, effective August 26, 2020
  • Appointment of Tasha Rivera, Specialist, Admissions, effective August 26, 2020
  • Appointment of Stephanie Neville, Assistant Professor-Nursing, effective August 31, 2020
  • Reclassification of the previously Board-approved Sabbatical for Judith Otterburn-Martinez, changing it from a full-year sabbatical to a half-year sabbatical due to COVID-19
  • Promotion of Crista Golden, from Assistant Bursar to Bursar, effective September 1, 2020
  • Deferral of the annual increase to Union Exempt Personnel until October 1, 2020, retroactive to July 1, 2020
  • Retirement of Mildred Ciraolo, Library Specialist, retroactive to June 30, 2020
  • Commendation of Dr. Barbara Gaba for her service as an outstanding leader, and approve the continued remuneration of Dr. Gaba’s salary under the current contract terms

Policy Changes

  • Reaffirmation of Policy No. 801 Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity
  • Revisions to Policy No. 802 Employment of Relatives
  • Conversion of Policy No. 848 Salary Advance to Procedure No. 804.2
  • Adoption of Policy No. 865 Infectious Disease Control Policy

Financial Matters

  • Acceptance of the FY20 Draft Financial Statement for twelve months ended June 30, 2020, as of August 10, 2020
  • Acceptance of the FY21 Financial Statement for one month ended July 31, 2020
  • Acceptance of the Tuition and Fee Schedule for FY21, changing the Course-Related Fees to exclude Remote sections from the Light Technology and Studio Arts Course Fees and including those sections in the Online Course Fee

Other Business

  • Honored the legacy of former Trustee Andrew Melchiorre and extend to his family and friends its sincere condolences

The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is on Tuesday, September 22, at 6 pm via Zoom conference call.