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Atlantic Cape Center for Accessibility recognizes World Usability Day

Juliana Torres, Office Coordinator, Center For Accessibility, stands next to an information table.

Juliana Torres, Office Coordinator, Center For Accessibility, stands next to an information table. How do we design for accessibility, to ensure that everyone can use our designs?

World Usability Day is internationally observed and is listed on the United Nations calendar. Every second Thursday in November (November 11th this year), events occur around the world that bring together different communities through the World Usability Initiative (WUI) to celebrate how we can make our world easy for all.

To learn more about these events visit: World Usability Day website 

The goal of the World Usability Initiative (WUI) is to connect the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and the User Experience (UX) communities and everyone who believes that great design is inclusive and usable by all. The goal is also to raise standards so that technology works to harness human potential.

The 2021 theme, "Design of our Online World: Trust, Ethics and Integrity," seeks to support products and design systems that will help everyone to stay connected, learn and grow in these transformational times.