Policy No. 30
Grants Procurement/Administration
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved: 11/22/2016; 11/30/2021
The mission of Atlantic Cape Community College is advanced by applying for grants from public and private funding sources. For Atlantic Cape's Grants Office, the term "grants" is understood to include all funds (grants and contracts) awarded competitively and non-competitively by external and partnering funding sources. The College applies for grants in accordance with grant-seeking best practices. Atlantic Cape's Strategic Plan and advancement priorities provide direction to all grant-seeking activities.
All applications for grants, competitive contracts, and inter-agency agreements to be submitted by Atlantic Cape, and all applications to be submitted by other organizations with Atlantic Cape as a sub-grantee or funded partner, must be managed by the Grants Office through the procedures attached to this policy.
In addition, inter-agency agreements between an entity, (such as the county Workforce Development Board), and the College are made at the discretion of Atlantic Cape and the Counties of Atlantic and/or Cape May on an as-needed basis.
The administration and individual project directors should recognize the special obligations that are assumed by the acceptance of grant funds. Most grant contracts provide explicit performance and fiscal requirements, and all grants come with implicit requirements to implement the funded projects in accordance with proposed objectives. Atlantic Cape Community College complies with all applicable Federal, State, and Municipal regulations, including but not limited to Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200 and New Jersey OMB Circular 15-08.
Atlantic Cape's President will make the decision for committing the College to any inter-agency agreements; and will make the recommendation to the Board of Trustees for committing the college to institutional grants. All applications to and acceptance of Federal and State grants are brought to the Board of Trustees for final approval.
- Procedure No. 30.1 - Grant Procurement/Administration
- Procedure No. 30.13 - Post Compliance Issuance
- Procedure No. 30.2 - Acquisition, Use and Disposal of Perkins Equipment
- Procedure No. 30.3 - Procedure for Letters of Support Related to Grant Applications
- Procedure No. 30.4 - "Supplement, not Supplant" Statement
- Procedure No. 30.5 - Mandatory Disclosure Statement
- Procedure No. 30.6 - Allowable Cost Procedure
- Procedure No. 30.7 - Cost Policy Statement
- Procedure No. 30.8 - Internal Control - Federal and State Awards
- Procedure No. 30.9 - Procedures for Requesting Grant Reimbursement
- Procedure No. 30.10 - Record Retention
- Procedure No. 30.11 - Segregation of Duties
- Procedure No. 30.12 - Uniform Guidance Procurement Standards
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