Procedure No. 28.1
Adopted: 10/24/2017
Description: Board Attendance
- A Board Member shall notify the Board Chair and the Board Secretary if he/she is unable to attend a meeting; such notice shall be received prior to the time the meeting is scheduled.
- A Board member that is absent for three (3) monthly Trustee meetings in a six (6) month period or absent for three (3) consecutive monthly meetings shall be contacted by the Board Chair to discuss the attendance problem. The member’s response shall be shared with the Board officers (Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer) to determine if the issue can be corrected. If not, the Board Chair will contact the appointing entity (Atlantic County, Cape May County or the Governor’s Office) to recommend dismissal from the Board.
- A majority of the Board members present – either at the designated meeting location or through video conferencing at other college facilities – shall be required for the passage of any motion, except where otherwise provided by law, the regulations and standards for New Jersey community colleges or by the provisions of these bylaws.
- The Board Secretary records Trustee attendance and denotes if attendance is by phone, videoconference and in-person.
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