Policy No. 22
Adopted: 03/28/06
Reaffirmed: 07/26/16
Revised: 09/26/17
A committee structure enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of the Board.
Standing Committees
The Board may authorize and establish standing committees from its membership. Such committees may study a particular operation or initiative and make recommendations for full Board action. These rules govern standing committees:
- The committee shall be established through Board action.
- The committee chairperson and members shall be appointed by the Board chair.
- It is recommended that committees consist of at least three members.
- Committee membership should include representation from each county.
- The committee shall be provided with specific functions and duties after discussion among the full Board.
- The committee makes recommendations, but does not act for the Board.
- The Board Chair and College President serve as ex-officio committee members unless there is a quorum of the full Board present. Members of senior staff and/or staff and faculty often attend.
- Standing committees automatically dissolve after the regular November meeting or at anytime if so resolved by the full Board.
- Standing Board committees include:
- Academic and Student Affairs
- Foundation
- Budget, Finance and Audit
- Long-Range Planning and Capital Projects
- Diversity and Equity
- Personnel and Board Development
- President's Evaluation Committee
- Marketing
Special Committees
Special Committees may be established for special assignments and are subject to the rules contained in Policy 22, although a special committee dissolves upon completion of its assignment.
Committee of the Whole
The Board reserves the right to meet and work as a committee of the whole for informational discussion and exploratory sessions. No official action shall be taken at these meetings unless advertised.
This policy is pursuant to:
N.J.S.A. 10: 4-06 et seq.
N.J.S.A. 18A: 10-6
N.J.S.A. 18A: 11-1
N.J.S.A. 18A: 54-20
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