Policy No. 13
Policy No. 13 - Collective Bargaining/Negotiations
Area: Board of Trustees
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved: 11/28/23
The Chairperson of the Board of Trustees shall appoint an ad hoc Negotiations Committee for the purpose of setting the parameters for negotiating with the various organizations representing the employees of Atlantic Cape Community College.
The Negotiations Committee, upon advice of counsel and upon researching all available data, will be empowered to take any appropriate action which it feels to be in the best interest of the Board of Trustees. The Executive Director of Human Resources is designated as Contract Administrator.
In the interest of expediting the negotiations process, an outside negotiator may be appointed by the Board of Trustees following the appropriate guidelines for such hire.
Recognition has been given to the following employee representation groups:
- Academy of Culinary Arts Faculty Association (ACAFA)
- Teachers, Librarians and Counselors (TLC)
- Organization of Supervisory and Administrative Personnel (ACCCOSAP)
- Supportive Staff Association of Atlantic Cape Community College (SSAACCC)
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