Policy No. 12
Area: Board of Trustees
Adopted: 04/23/96
Revisions Approved: 11/25/08
Reaffirmed: 09/27/16
Description: Naming of Facilities
The original buildings on the Mays Landing Campus were named for historical Atlantic County persons. Roads on campus were given Native American names by the Atlantic County Historical Society in 1965.Other facilities were named for people that had a direct relationship and impact on the development of Atlantic Cape.General Policy
Atlantic Cape facilities are named in accordance with applicable statutes and regulations.
"Facility" is defined as any building, or portion there of, site, street or grounds.
All proposed names for buildings and other facilities will be held in confidence during the review and approval process.
Facilities may be named for a donor who has made a significant contribution of resources to the college or Foundation for purposes of the college, in accordance with naming guidelines and procedures.
The Budget, Finance and Audit Committee will appoint an Ad Hoc Naming Subcommittee as appropriate to review naming applications and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees for naming commitments
The Atlantic Cape Board of Trustees retains final approval of all naming opportunities.
Naming opportunities are tied to the useful life of the facility. When the facility needs to be renovated or demolished, the named donor and/or representative will have the right of first refusal to continue to secure future naming rights. When donors name a facility, they are encouraged to consider an endowment for the maintenance and upkeep of the facility to ensure their name remains on the facility in perpetuity.
In order to avoid any appearance of conflict, current holders of elected public office and candidates for public office are not eligible for consideration.
In order to protect the image and reputation of Atlantic Cape Community College, the Board of Trustees may remove a name from any facility if the reputation of such name becomes associated with illegal activities or is publicly disgraced.
Naming of Facilities No. 12.1
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